FPRN DonorSearch Support Services
Our team of experienced freelance prospect research professionals, including advancement services managers, provide remote management of your DonorSearch account, including management of your wealth screening and validation of results.Solving problems for small shop development offices.
The inevitable conundrum, for small shop development offices, is the need to identify and prioritize qualified prospects without the tools, knowledge or resources to take advantage of the powerful tools available today. The one to three person shop is too busy putting out fires to focus on building a qualified pipeline, segmenting current donors for upgrade or identifying the best new parents, members, patients or event attendees to cultivate.We leverage decades of experience to help your team.
Led by CEO, Dave Chase, a DonorSearch consulting and reselling partner, considered one of the top DonorSearch experts in the US. Our freelance prospect researchers are professionals who have an average of 23 years’ experience in prospect research. Each researcher has strong experience working with DonorSearch. We will work with you to develop a custom support program that fits your needs.Typical services include:
- Initial strategy session to develop goals and an implementation plan
- Donor and prospect segmentation to create input file for screening
- Submission of file for screening
- Review and reporting on screening results, validation of top records and coordination of integration of results into your DMS
- Identification, qualification and research of top prospects for addition to portfolios
- Identification of new prospects using DS Marketing Lists + Screening of List
- Provide coaching and training on the use of DonorSearch tools to access your data and conduct some research on your own
- Quarterly webconferences to review your results, strategy, and goals going forward